At BPAS, we haven’t seen a new penny auction enter the space in a while. After the downfall of Beezid, BidCactus, Zbiddy, and others, it seems like there is plenty of space!

We had the chance to sit down with the founder of Primabids to learn a bit more about their approach to the penny auction business and here’s what we learned.

Primabids Interview

How long have you been in business?

We started our company in Feb of this year, so less than a year.

How many auctions per day?

We offer 20-40 auctions daily on weekdays, and 50-75 on weekends.

Tell us about the types of products which you currently auction.

We generally offer gift cards, housewares, electronics and firearms. We’re always open to suggestion though!

Please tell us about some of the different types of auctions which Primabids offers.

We offer buy it auctions, reserve auctions, bid back auctions, as well as the ability to re-sell a won auction for bids and rewards for buy it auctions.

What is the cost of bids on Primabids?

General pricing allows for a cost per bid as low as $0.40 per bid. Due to incentives (which are generally offered every other week), bid bundling with items and bid pack auction, our cost per bid per user is around $0.20 to $0.25.

Shipping costs are important. How much is shipping for won auctions?

No cost for shipping. We currently only ship to US states though.

How is Primabids different from other penny auction websites?

  1. We offer firearm sales. 
  2. Our customer service level is pretty high (we return contacts within 3-4 hours generally and never more than 24 hours)
  3. We take and implement suggestions regularly
  4. We offer a guarantee that users will win (terms and conditions do apply)

Why did you decide to start a penny auction website?

My partner and I are entrepreneurs at heart with a strong background in customer service and finance. The business not only fits our skill set but it’s something we’re both passionate about. 

Where do you see Primabids going in terms of size, number of daily auctions, things you want to do better than other penny auctions, etc.?

  1. We’d like to have our week day auctions reach 100-150 and weekend at 150+ with enough users to support that.
  2. Ultimately, we’d like to continue to provide a strong level of service and different forms of entertainment/auctions for our users.
  3. We’re looking to add a Bingo feature or a Poker feature in the future as a rewards program.

Try Primabids and get 5 free bids for signing-up or read our full Primabids review.

Primabids Information

Try Primabids and get 5 free bids for signing-up or read our full Primabids review.