Auto-bidding on HappyBidDay

happybidday-autobidBidRunner is the name of HappyBidDay’s auto-bid tool. BidRunner starts when a user enters in a ‘bid from’ (the price at which it will turn on) amount, a ‘bid to’ (the price at which it will turn off) amount and the total number of bids to be spent.

  • When it bids: Randomly during the final few seconds
  • How many bids can it place per campaign: Up to 400 bids
  • How many can be set simultaneously: 1 per auction, 2 at any one time
  • Can it be deactivated? No. Once it’s started, it cannot be stopped
  • Restrictions: New customers cannot set more than 50 bids at a time
  • Try BidRunner

Posted in: HappyBidDay FAQs